The store also functions as a record label.
So far we've got 12 releases in our catalogue (3 of them on vinyl and 2 on tape, the rest digital).

You can take look, listen and also purchase our music from our bandcamp site:
Drake Records Releases

Can you feel it?

Many have (re-)discovered the value of touching a and looking at an actual record (instead of a small icon) as well as being able to listen to the vinyl (instead of a short soundfile).

It's way cooler.

Be part of the movement

and visit a recordstore!

Some of us have always been sticking to vinyl records anyway even through rough times when everybody thought  CD's were the shit (and now they're not worth a dime and it turns out they're really shit, haha).
The diggers that went the extra mile will always have a place at Drake Records (and that's one with a seat, recordplayer, headphones and a cup of tea).