Street Store


Drake Records Schallplatten An- u. Verkauf
D. Borrmann
Ritterstraße 48
50668 Köln




Contact eMail

If you need to know anything about the store or items we sell, feel free to get in touch and just ask!

(Btw: we're not participating in Record Store Day any longer!)

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

Can you feel it?

Many have (re-)discovered the value of touching a and looking at an actual record (instead of a small icon) as well as being able to listen to the vinyl (instead of a short soundfile).

It's way cooler.

Be part of the movement

and visit a recordstore!

Some of us have always been sticking to vinyl records anyway even through rough times when everybody thought  CD's were the shit (and now they're not worth a dime and it turns out they're really shit, haha).
The diggers that went the extra mile will always have a place at Drake Records (and that's one with a seat, recordplayer, headphones and a cup of tea).